Pictures of Joy


Thinking happy thoughts, remembering happy times.

What are the 3 things that make you happy?

Throwback to a time well spent with @msr_interior_design where they became our resident artists for one night at our creative workshop: KompacArt.

Making the most of our Friday evening together, stories were exchanged over light bites served in the our live kitchen, followed by the KompacArt session where our guests were invited to paint their happiness on canvases made of KompacPanels.

As part of our continuous efforts to deliver the ultimate service, the interactive session provided an out-of-the-box experience for our artists to unwind, thinking only of happy thoughts as brushes glided over the matte white surfaces of their KompacPanel canvases.

The highlight of our night together was of course the storytelling session held after the handiworks are done. Shout out to all our artists who made it to our little get-together and heart-warming sharing of the little things that inspire them each day.

Check out the gallery below for highlights of our night together. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for latest news and updates!

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