Most stories are also memories,
and those are still best shared in written words.

That Night In Duxton
AT THE CORNER OF 24 DUXTON ROAD THAT NIGHT IN DUXTON In Celebration of Our First Showroom in Singapore A HUGE THANK YOUto everyone who turned up for the official launch of the first KompacPlus and Vipp showroom in Duxton, Singapore. In the exclusive company of our valued clients, Vipp principals Morten Woldum and Phillip Nørgaard and our business owners Edwin Tan & Damien Tan, we are proud to announce the official launch of our first showroom in Singapore that

Experience Life Unbounded
CLAIM A NEW SENSE OF ADVENTURE EXPERIENCE LIFE UNBOUNDED A celebration of 10 years with a welcoming of a new beginning. It was a night of creative wonder as we celebrated our 10th-year anniversary at the prestigious Alkaff Mansion, surrounded by more than 300 family, friends and business partners from relevant interior design and architectural industry. Accompanied by various live performances, interactive display activities and award-winning art installations from previous years, the mansion was entirely transformed to inspire guests with an exclusive preview of a space-defining journey

Forma E Funzione
ARCHIDEX 18 FORMA E FUNZIONE Travel not for the distance, but for the sensations and experiences that comes along with every step forward. This award-winning display showcases KompacPanel’s flexibility for customisation while maintaining strong, stable form, and was recognised for Best Booth Design in the Standard Structure Category. Designed and crafted from our signature woodgrains Kollection, the rich warmth of wood creates beautiful depths in the likeliness of natural mountain crag in a creative display of form and function using

An Oasis of Possibilities
ARCHIDEX 17 AN OASIS OF POSSIBILITIES Stalk across the weathered paths, and uncover the truths behind each mystery. This assembly of 25 KompacPanels was awarded with the Bronze Award for Best Booth Design in the Standard Structure Category. Delicately carved into gentle slopes, panels in assorted size and colour were tastefully arranged to create a mirage of an endless stretch of mountains that are waiting to be explored.

Journey Towards Infinity
ARCHIDEX 16 JOURNEY TOWARDS INFINITY The first is always an unforgettable experience – filled with excitement, hope and new discoveries. This practical display was awarded with Gold for Best Booth Design in the Standard Structure Category during our first participation in this annual exhibition held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Showcasing KompacPanel’s functionality as a stylish and practical kitchen countertop, the booth display was set up to resemble an actual modern kitchen – complete with an integrated sink and matching backsplash